Friday, 27 July 2012

Dear Zoe, A Letter to the Universe....

Dear Zoe,

Happy Birthday to a beautiful little seven year old.

This morning I’m heading off to buy you a birthday present, I have something very special in mind that I know you will absolutely love, and I’ll take so much pleasure in getting this for you. But this is just a “thing”. I feel compelled to give you something more of “me” as your gift - perhaps a letter to the universe telling you how I feel about you and how proud I am that you are here celebrating life and that I am partly responsible for this.

I am not your mother, I did not give birth to you. I am not even an Aunt to you, yet because of me you are here and my heart sings with pride and love for you. Right now you have no idea about my involvement in your “being”, because at seven years old it would confuse the hell out of you, and probably even scare you a little bit. One day you will be told about the  extraordinary lengths your parents went to just so that they could have you in their lives, but not just yet.

When the time comes, you will be told that I helped your mum and dad become parents. There is no age appropriate way to put this without being incredibly sterile and harsh - so I’ll just put it out there. I gave your Mum and Dad my eggs. There I said it, but I’ll let them explain ‘eggs’ to you.

I watched with excitement as your mums tummy grew bigger and bigger and finally after all those months - you were born. Along with the births of my babies, the day you came into the world ranks as one of the proudest days of my life.

I love that your parents have let my family be a part of your family. I love our weekly ‘family’ dinners and celebrating special events with you. Mainly I just love watching you grow into such a beautiful, kind and funny little person.

So today on your seventh birthday, I write a letter to the universe wishing you a very Happy Birthday. I know the universe will respond by sending you extra special wishes.

Loads of Love,

Lisa xx

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